
Our goal is to preserve your patient’s dentition. Occasionally a tooth may not be an ideal candidate for endodontic therapy. If that situation arises, I will call you, the referring dentist first, before discussing the prognosis with the patient, to get your input so you may modify your treatment plan as necessary. After that phone call, I will discuss treatment options with your patient, informing them that I have discussed these options with you, before proceeding. If any questions arise, I will always confer with the referring dentist before initiating treatment. I only request that you be available to answer the phone or call back as soon as possible, so as to not keep your patient waiting.


Endodontics, from the Greek endo (inside) and odons (tooth), is one of the nine specialties of dentistry recognized by the American Dental Association, and deals with the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. If the pulp (containing nerves, arterioles and venules as well as lymphatic tissue and fibrous tissue) has become diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth. Endodontic therapy involves the complete removal of everything that lies in the root canal. The hollow area is then cleaned, shaped and decontaminated. Miniscule files and irrigation solutions are used. An inert filling, such as gutta percha, fills up the hollow, along with a eugenol-based cement. After endodontic therapy the tooth is dead. The patient will no longer feel any pain on that tooth because the nerve tissue has been taken out and the infection has been eliminated


When patients enter our office, rest assured they will receive the highest professional care available in the dental profession. As part of our commitment to excellence, we have prepared our office with the latest technologies designed to give your patients comfort and a precise diagnosis of your referral concern. These technologies include surgical microscopes, digital radiography with much reduced radiation exposure and instant imaging to name a few. We adhere to the strictest guidelines for infection control and cleanliness. Our top priority is the safety and comfort of our patients.

Referring Doctors

We value the opportunity to work together with you in providing patients optimal endodontital care. Crystal clear communication is essential to ensure seamless referral of patients between offices. We take great effort to communicate after essential patient visits including treatment planning, reevaluation, and after each surgical procedure. We treat each patient with care and concern and strive to provide outstanding dentistry and service. It is an honor to be able to work with you in helping patients reach their goal of preserving their teeth in health and beauty. We are also here as a resource for all of your endodontic information. We stay up to date on current periodontal literature and the latest techniques, and if you need any information or would like to ask a question, we would be happy to assist in any way possible.

Sedation Dentistry

While the vast majority of our patients do not require sedation, we are aware that many people can have a more pleasant dental experience with sedation. We offer nitrous oxide sedation to help you relax and feel at ease. Additionally, we can prescribe one small pill which will make you so relaxed and sleepy that after the procedure, you probably won’t even remember that you had the work done! Come visit our brand new, board certified sedation suite where we can provide conscious sedation- a deeply relaxed state of mind where dentistry can be performed and you will have no recollection afterwards. We have hospital level monitoring capabilities, to ensure your absolute safety. We always ensure that your safety and comfort come first.

Dental Insurance & Financing Options

You have dental insurance and we know that you want to go to in-network providers to keep your costs down. In an effort to provide you with excellent specialty dental care that is also affordable, we proudly participate with a variety of dental insurance companies. Currently, we participate with Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Compbenefits, Delta, Humana, Guardian, and Metlife. For a complete list of all PPO plans, please contact our office and we will gladly send you a complete list. Please note that every plan is different and covers dental specialty treatment in a unique way. If you are unsure about your particular insurance plan, please call our office and our insurance specialist will be glad to assist you. You also may contact your insurance company or employer for complete benefit details.

Whether you have dental insurance or not, many services are not covered at 100%. That’s why we gladly offer CareCredit- the credit card exclusive for healthcare services. CareCredit can help you get the healthy, radiant smile you’ve always wanted with the card designed specifically for your health and beauty needs. CareCredit offers no interest and low monthly payment options, no up-front costs, no prepayment penalties and no annual fees so you can get the periodontal care you need. You can use your card over and over for follow-up appointments or different procedures. This means you don’t have to put your health and beauty on hold until you save up enough money. We accept checks, credit cards and we also provide payment plans within our office.


You have dental insurance and we know that you want to go to in-network providers to keep your costs down. In an effort to provide you with excellent specialty dental care that is also affordable, we proudly participate with a variety of dental insurance companies. Currently, we participate with Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Compbenefits, Delta, Humana, Guardian, and Metlife. For a complete list of all PPO plans, please contact our office and we will gladly send you a complete list. Please note that every plan is different and covers dental specialty treatment in a unique way. If you are unsure about your particular insurance plan, please call our office and our insurance specialist will be glad to assist you. You also may contact your insurance company or employer for complete benefit details.

Whether you have dental insurance or not, many services are not covered at 100%. That’s why we gladly offer CareCredit- the credit card exclusive for healthcare services. CareCredit can help you get the healthy, radiant smile you’ve always wanted with the card designed specifically for your health and beauty needs. CareCredit offers no interest and low monthly payment options, no up-front costs, no prepayment penalties and no annual fees so you can get the periodontal care you need. You can use your card over and over for follow-up appointments or different procedures. This means you don’t have to put your health and beauty on hold until you save up enough money. We accept checks, credit cards and we also provide payment plans within our office.

What Our Client Say

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    Roy Guan

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